Heatmap analytics is the standard yardstick of the mobile industry for measuring screen UX and app usability. A mobile heatmap tool can answer all UX questions which can’t be answered using quantitative analytics, incorporating why your conversion rate has decreased on a specific screen.
For instance, the issue could be that users don’t find the ‘BUY NOW’ button and they end up interacting with another component on the screen leading to an error message. app heatmaps can unveil these user experiences and how their experiences are not up to the mark.
By measuring user behavior, understanding the gestures, and real user monitoring using app heatmap analytics, you can efficiently pin down the cause. In this blog, UserExperior will provide you with a clear idea of the basic functions of Heatmap analytics so you can set up your app easily.
These are versatile iOS and Android app analytics tools that assess and collect all touch interactions of users like swipes, taps, pinches, etc. from different screens of an app. Then this gesture input data is processed and showcased visually for every app screen.
A grade from blue to red is usually used, where red represents areas of high user interaction levels and blue represents low interaction levels. Sometimes this is referred to as a qualitative or behavioral analytics feature.
An iOS or Android app heatmap enables mobile experts to acquire a clear insight into where users are interacting and which portions of the interface are receiving maximum users’ attention. Within a few seconds, particular Heatmaps can communicate the attendance area of your users on every screen and also highlight areas where users pay less attention.
Moreover, Heatmap analytics helps mobile professionals in measuring UX, understanding if or not the UX is assisting the user’s journey, and recognizing which CTAs or buttons are functioning best. app Heatmaps can also be tested across different resolutions and versions of your application to obtain an actionable understanding of functionality and compare usability.
There are many concepts and functions which go into choosing the gestures of your application and coupling them with the most favorable UI design. That function must be monitored closely. app Heatmap analytics offers you an entire image of your gesture functionality. It displays where users are attempting gestures, alongside location and gesture frequency.
Moreover, app heatmap analytics unveils user expectations in a manner that tap rates and standard graphs can’t. Primarily, it paints a different but clearer image of user intent. In addition, it displays when that purpose is not being served by your application.
Mobile app professionals are finding different ways to use app heatmap analytics while developing and optimizing their applications. It is imperative for recognizing basic user behaviors, mobile app event tracking, identifying usability errors, enhancing ad encounters, comparing version user-friendliness, and running strong A/B tests.
By including app heatmap software in your in-app analytics storage, you can gain an unbiased and comprehensive image of your app’s UX, helping you launch the best application.
Do you wish to use the app Heatmaps on your mobile application?
It’s time to book a free demo with UserExperior, the industry leader in heatmap analytics.